Baldwin Technology GmbH
Joseph-Baur-Str. 2
+49 821 7942 0
Unrivaled Durability & Abrasion Baldwins DryPac is designed to meet the demands in all applications. The cloth is specially manufactured to ensure the best-quality and cleaning results for your requirements. The extra absorbency of the DryPac allows for improved cleaning results, shorter wash times, and lower cloth consumption. Our non-woven fabric with carefully selected fibers ensures that the cloth withstands the wear caused by high abrasion applications while preventing linting and de-lamination that result in waste. All cloth types are made exclusively for Baldwin. Worldwide service ensures that our supply and expert support are always within close reach. Whatever your requirements are regarding resistances, lengths and levels of durability, Baldwin has a DryPac to suit your application. ADVANTAGES Optimized to give a high number of washes per roll High absorption No linting Option: Glue